Akathist to the Saint Innocent (Veniamin), Metropolitan of Moscow, the Enlightener of Alaska and Siberia

Kon­takion 1

O Holy Fa­ther, Good Shep­herd of the Flock en­trusted to you by the Lord! You ded­i­cated all your strength and heart, all your mind and soul to Christ! In the re­motest re­gions you la­bored tire­lessly with­out thought of earthly re­ward for the sake of His Holy Church and the sal­va­tion of all. We, the re­cip­i­ents of your great spir­i­tual legacy, offer to you this hymn of praise. As you stand be­fore the Throne of the Lord of Glory, in­ter­cede for our land and its peo­ple! That united in One, Holy Or­tho­dox Church we may grate­fully sing to you:

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Ikos 1

O Holy Fa­ther In­no­cent! Your glory has shone from the Far East­ern lands to the West­ern World. From hum­ble ori­gins in a Siber­ian vil­lage you rose to world renown as a mod­ern Apos­tle. The Lord chose you to bring the Or­tho­dox Faith to the an­cient Peo­ples of Alaska and Asia, who to­gether with us honor you with these songs of praise:

Rejoice! Im­i­ta­tor of the Apos­tles and their Suc­ces­sor! Re­joice! Evan­ge­lizer of the Arc­tic Peo­ples! Re­joice! Scholar and Teacher of the Aleuts! Re­joice! Il­lu­mi­na­tor of the Es­ki­mos and In­di­ans! Re­joice! Hum­ble ge­nius whose foot­steps were guided by the Lord! Re­joice! Vi­sion­ary Ar­chi­tect of the Or­tho­dox Church in Amer­ica!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 2

You dis­tin­guished your­self as a young stu­dent, dis­play­ing your many in­ter­ests and tal­ents by ex­celling in your stud­ies at home and in school. Your great­est joy was the ser­vice of God and His Holy Church. Your uncle in­structed you in the ways of piety and faith so that from an early age you sang to the Lord: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

In your youth, the Lord pre­pared you for your life­time of ser­vice by en­abling you to study var­i­ous dis­ci­plines. Re­mem­ber­ing your ded­i­ca­tion, we thank­fully cel­e­brate your mem­ory:

Rejoice! Your tal­ents were em­ployed in the ser­vice of Christ! Re­joice! Your achieve­ments in­spire all who are fa­mil­iar with them! Re­joice! Skilled crafts­man, im­i­ta­tor of the Car­pen­ter of Nazareth! Re­joice! Clock - maker who pro­claimed the Time­less One! Re­joice! Your teach­ers mar­veled at your in­tel­li­gence! Re­joice! Your spir­i­tual chil­dren praise your hu­mil­ity!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 3

Com­plet­ing your prepa­ra­tion at the sem­i­nary at Irkutsk, you ac­cepted the Di­vine Call to the mis­sion­ary fron­tier of Alaska. To­gether with your wife, the beloved Kather­ine, you set out on your Apos­tolic jour­ney to Russ­ian Amer­ica, as you sang to the Lord: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

As a newly or­dained priest you showed great de­ter­mi­na­tion in reach­ing your des­ti­na­tion, 1,000 miles away, in the Bering Sea. You will­ingly for­sook all for the sake of the Gospel of Christ, trav­el­ing for many months over frozen tun­dra and treach­er­ous seas. In­spired by your ded­i­ca­tion, we sing to you:

Rejoice! Apos­tle to Amer­ica! Re­joice! Heroic Founder of Or­tho­doxy in the West­ern World! Re­joice! Im­i­ta­tor of the Holy Apos­tle Paul! Re­joice! Coura­geous voy­ager on the north­ern seas! Re­joice! Your ded­i­ca­tion equalled that of the Apos­tles! Re­joice! Your per­se­ver­ance was a Gift of the Holy Spirit!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 4

Arriv­ing at Un­alaska, you ren­dered thanks to the Lord for your safe pas­sage. Kneel­ing on the beach to­gether with all those in your com­pany, you praised God with the hymn: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

Together with your tutor, the Aleut chief­tain Ivan, you stud­ied the Na­tive lan­guage and de­vised a writ­ing sys­tem for it. You la­bored for many years, prepar­ing the Word of God for pub­li­ca­tion in the Aleut tongue. You as­tounded the in­dige­nous peo­ples with your abil­ity to preach to them in their own lan­guage, thus en­light­en­ing them with the Light of Chris­t­ian Truth. We glo­rify God for bring­ing you to our shores and honor your evan­gel­i­cal ac­com­plish­ments:

Rejoice! En­no­ble­ment of An­cient Peo­ples! Re­joice! Fa­ther of Learn­ing in Alaska! Re­joice! Teacher of Virtue and Di­vine Truth! Re­joice! Cat­e­chist of those seek­ing Right­eous­ness! Re­joice! Your vi­sion in­spires all fu­ture mis­sion­ar­ies! Re­joice! Your bril­liance il­lu­mines the arc­tic night!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 5

You trav­eled through­out the Aleut­ian re­gion, brav­ing storms and hos­tile seas in your ef­forts to evan­ge­lize your scat­tered flock. Warmed by your love for the Lord, you jour­neyed in your bidarka on the icy waves, softly singing to the Cre­ator of all: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

During the ten years you re­mained in the Aleut­ian Is­lands, you de­voted much time and en­ergy to the study of the land, peo­ple, and wildlife of the area. You kept care­ful records of your ex­pe­ri­ences and ob­ser­va­tions so that this her­itage could be pre­served for fu­ture gen­er­a­tions. You opened schools for the Na­tive chil­dren so that they could ad­vance in the knowl­edge of God and His Cre­ation. Prais­ing the Lord for His boun­ties, we offer a hymn to you:

Rejoice! Pa­tient in­struc­tor of the sim­ple and the wise! Re­joice! Scholar and Teacher of the Aleut­ian lan­guages! Re­joice! Pre­server of Alaska's an­cient her­itage! Re­joice! Dis­peller of the dark­ness of ig­no­rance! Re­joice! Per­cep­tive ob­server of the won­ders of Cre­ation! Re­joice! Mes­sen­ger of the Good News of Sal­va­tion!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 6

Having cre­ated a writ­ten lan­guage for the Na­tive peo­ple, you de­vel­oped text­books for them so that they could be­come lit­er­ate. Read­ing the Word of God in their own tongue, and giv­ing thanks to God, the Aleuts sang with joy: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

O Holy Fa­ther, you trav­eled be­yond the lim­its of your own ex­ten­sive dis­trict into the land of the Es­kimo peo­ple. You brought to the na­tives of Bris­tol Bay the sanc­ti­fy­ing Grace of Holy Bap­tism. You made the Nusha­gak River a new Jor­dan for them, bring­ing Chris­tian­ity to the north­ern shores of the Bering Sea, where you are re­mem­bered today with these words of praise:

Rejoice! En­light­ener of the Es­kimo Na­tion! Re­joice! Sanc­ti­fi­ca­tion of the Nusha­gak! Re­joice! Hus­band­man sent to the plen­ti­ful har­vest! Re­joice! La­borer in the Vine­yard of Christ! Re­joice! War­rior clothed in the armor of Truth! Re­joice! Sol­dier armed with the Gospel of Peace and the sword of Prayer!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 7

Using your tal­ents, you erected the first Or­tho­dox Cathe­dral in the New World, de­sign­ing the Tem­ple and su­per­vis­ing its con­struc­tion your­self. The faith­ful cel­e­brated the con­se­cra­tion of the new church, singing the hymn of Thanks­giv­ing: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

Trans­fer­ring the cen­ter of your mis­sion­ary ac­tiv­ity to the city of New Archangel, you began anew the evan­ge­liza­tion of the Tlin­git Peo­ple. You be­came pro­fi­cient in their lan­guage and preached the Gospel in their vil­lages win­ning con­verts to Christ by your knowl­edge of med­i­cine as well as the­ol­ogy. You ad­mired the no­bil­ity of these proud war­riors, who to­gether with us offer these praises to you:

Rejoice! Teacher of the Tlin­git In­di­ans! Re­joice! Physi­cian of souls and bod­ies! Re­joice! Fear­less apos­tle, pro­tected by God! Re­joice! Il­lu­mi­na­tor of the North­ern Peo­ples! Re­joice! Moun­tain ris­ing above the clouds of error! Re­joice! Har­bor shel­ter­ing from treach­er­ous seas!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 8

You were sum­moned to ap­pear be­fore the Holy Synod to pre­sent your many trans­la­tions for ec­cle­si­as­ti­cal ap­proval. You re­turned to your home­land by cir­cum­nav­i­gat­ing the globe; ar­riv­ing at St. Pe­ters­burg you praised God in song: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

Learn­ing of the re­pose of your wife, Cather­ine, dur­ing your ab­sence, you prayer­fully vis­ited the Holy monas­ter­ies at Kiev and Zagorsk in order to dis­cern the Lord's Will. The Em­peror him­self, im­pressed with your apos­tolic fer­vor and achieve­ments, ap­proved your el­e­va­tion to the rank of bishop. Re­turn­ing to Alaska, you were wel­comed with these words:

Rejoice! You took up the Cross and fol­lowed Christ! Re­joice! You first brought the Joy of the Res­ur­rec­tion to Alaska! Re­joice! You were in­spired by the heroic ex­am­ple of St. In­no­cent of Irkutsk! Re­joice! You pro­moted the apos­tolic labors of St. Nicholas of Japan! Re­joice! You were among the first to ask the Elder Her­man to in­ter­cede for you! Re­joice! By his prayers you ar­rived safely in Ko­diak!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 9

As bishop of the Russ­ian colony, you re­newed your ef­forts to bring the Gospel to all Alaska. You opened a sem­i­nary in Sitka for the train­ing of in­dige­nous clergy and de­signed a new cathe­dral for the cap­i­tal city. You also con­structed the clock for the church bell tower. When the Holy Tem­ple was com­pleted, you sang out in grat­i­tude to the Lord: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

As over­seer of the huge dio­cese which in­cluded East­ern Siberia as well as Alaska, you dis­patched priests to areas where no mis­sion­ar­ies had ever gone. Your own son-in-law was as­signed to the Nusha­gak, while your for­mer stu­dent, Fa­ther Jacob, set out for the Yukon delta. Be­cause of your great vi­sion for the fu­ture of Or­tho­doxy in this land, we honor you with these hymns:

Rejoice! Good Shep­herd of the Arc­tic! Re­joice! First Hi­er­arch of Amer­ica! Re­joice! Our guide to the King­dom of God! Re­joice! Bene­fac­tor of the needy and op­pressed! Re­joice! Your fore­sight de­ter­mined the growth of the Church in Alaska! Re­joice! Your bound­less en­ergy es­tab­lished the True Faith in the North!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 10

With char­ac­ter­is­tic en­thu­si­asm you vis­ited the peo­ples of the Amur Val­ley in Siberia and began yet again to study their lan­guages and tra­di­tions. To­gether with the Aleuts and Tlin­gits they learned to praise the Almighty Cre­ator with the song of Thanks­giv­ing: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

Trans­fer­ring your head­quar­ters to the Far East, you bid farewell to the New World and re­turned to the Old. Fol­low­ing the ex­am­ple you had set for them, the Na­tive clergy of Alaska con­tin­ued your work in Amer­ica. Through them we have be­come your spir­i­tual chil­dren and ven­er­ate your mem­ory in these words:

Rejoice! Stu­dent of Alaskan lan­guages and Teacher of the True Word! Re­joice! Preacher "in tongues" like the Apos­tles on Pen­te­cost! Re­joice! You pub­lished the Gospel in the Aleut lan­guage! Re­joice! You founded schools for the en­light­en­ment of the Na­tive Peo­ples! Re­joice! You di­rected the evan­ge­liza­tion of Alaska and Siberia! Re­joice! You planted the seeds of the Or­tho­dox Faith on Amer­i­can soil!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 11

You spent your en­tire life la­bor­ing in re­mote re­gions for the prop­a­ga­tion of the Holy Faith. In your later years you were called to yet an­other great task. You were elected Met­ro­pol­i­tan of Moscow to suc­ceed the ven­er­a­ble Phi­laret. As you jour­neyed across the frozen steppes of Asia en route to your en­throne­ment, you sang in amaze­ment to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

You re­vi­tal­ized the mis­sion­ary spirit of your home­land by or­ga­niz­ing so­ci­eties for the sup­port of evan­gel­i­cal en­ter­prises. You as­sisted your for­mer flocks with your holy prayers and ma­te­r­ial aid. We who have ben­e­fited from these labors sing to you in grat­i­tude:

Rejoice! You were faith­ful in lit­tle things! Re­joice! You have been set over much! Re­joice! Rush­ing Wind dis­pelling the fog of ig­no­rance and fear! Re­joice! Mighty River wa­ter­ing the spir­i­tual wilder­ness! Re­joice! Pre­cious Ves­sel filled with the Holy Spirit! Re­joice! Adorn­ment of the Church in the Old World and the New!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 12

With the same hu­mil­ity you ex­hib­ited through­out your earthly life, you asked that no eu­lo­gies be de­liv­ered at your bur­ial. In­stead, you re­quested an ed­i­fy­ing ser­mon be preached for the ben­e­fit of all. Learn­ing of your falling asleep, your spir­i­tual chil­dren com­mended your soul to the Lord, singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

The heirs of your spir­i­tual legacy through­out the New World re­joice today at your glo­ri­fi­ca­tion, O Holy Fa­ther. Ask­ing for your prayers for the Church in Amer­ica, we gather to cel­e­brate your re­mark­able achieve­ments with these words:

Rejoice! In­spi­ra­tion of Or­tho­dox pas­tors and teach­ers! Re­joice! In­di­ca­tor of the Way to the King­dom of Heaven! Re­joice! Faith­ful stew­ard in the House­hold of Faith! Re­joice! Far­sighted Cham­pion of Or­tho­doxy! Re­joice! Lov­ing Fa­ther of your spir­i­tual Chil­dren! Re­joice! In­ter­ces­sor for all who come to the Or­tho­dox Faith!

Rejoice! O Holy Fa­ther, Met­ro­pol­i­tan In­no­cent, Equal to the Apos­tles and En­light­ener of Alaska!

Kon­takion 13

O Holy Fa­ther, Bishop In­no­cent! As we re­mem­ber all the glo­ri­ous deeds you so humbly ac­com­plished, we are in­spired by your vi­sion, courage and per­se­ver­ance. Pray there­fore that we may be ac­counted wor­thy to con­tinue your work in the New World, and to sing grate­fully to the Lord: Alleluia!

Се́й конда́къ глаго́лется три́жды. Та́же Икосъ 1-й и Конда́къ 1-й

Prayer to the Saint In­no­cent

O Holy Hi­er­arch and Fa­ther In­no­cent! The Lord chose you and or­dained you to go and bring forth much fruit in His new vine­yard on the fron­tiers of Rus­sia and Amer­ica. You ded­i­cated your life to build­ing up the Body of Christ in the New World and the Old, and brought the trea­sures of the Holy Apos­tolic Faith to Alaska and Siberia. We, your spir­i­tual chil­dren, kneel be­fore your holy icon and ask you to in­ter­cede for the Holy Or­tho­dox Church in your adopted and na­tive lands. As you were hum­ble and kind, help us by your prayers to be pa­tient and gen­er­ous. As you per­se­vered under dif­fi­cult cir­cum­stances in a re­mote and lonely re­gion, strengthen us in our ded­i­ca­tion to Christ and His Gospel. As you loved God and your flock and de­voted your life in ser­vice to them, pray to Our Lord that our hearts may be filled with love for Him and our neigh­bor. You planted the seeds of the Or­tho­dox Faith in Alaskan soil: im­plore the Lord that we may be ac­counted wor­thy to con­tinue the work you so glo­ri­ously began, to bring the Light of Christ to every cor­ner of Amer­ica. You in­di­cated the Way into the King­dom of Heaven by your words and ex­am­ple: in­ter­cede for the sal­va­tion of all of us who ven­er­ate your holy mem­ory. By your holy prayers may we be­come wor­thy of the pre­cious spir­i­tual her­itage which God has en­trusted to us through you, and sing eter­nally the praises of the Holy, Con­sub­stan­tial, and Life-Cre­at­ing Trin­ity; the Fa­ther and Cre­ator who is with­out Be­gin­ning; the Son, Our Lord and Sav­ior who be­came Man in order to sanc­tify and save us; and the Com­forter, the Holy Spirit who en­light­ens and en­livens all, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Tropar­ion, tone 4

O Holy Fa­ther In­no­cent, in obe­di­ence to the will of God you ac­cepted dan­gers and tribu­la­tions, bring­ing many peo­ples to the knowl­edge of truth. You showed us the path; now by your prayers help lead us into the King­dom of Heaven.

An­other tropar­ion, tone 2

You evan­ge­lized the North­ern peo­ple of Amer­ica and Asia, pro­claim­ing the Gospel of Christ to the na­tives in their own tongues, o Holy Hi­er­arch, Fa­ther In­no­cent, En­light­ener of Alaska and All Amer­ica, whose ways were or­dered by the Lord. Pray to Him for the sal­va­tion of our souls in His Heav­enly King­dom.

Kon­takion, tone 2

Your life is a true cel­e­bra­tion of the Prov­i­dence and Grace of God, o Holy Fa­ther In­no­cent, the Apos­tle to our Land. For in hard­ships and dan­gers toil­ing for the Gospel's sake, you were pre­served un­harmed and often de­liv­ered, while from ob­scu­rity you were highly ex­alted as an ex­am­ple to the faith­ful every­where, that the Lord truly guides a man in the way he should go.

Akathist to the Saint In­no­cent, the En­light­ener of Alaska and Siberia in Eng­lish
Other hymns in Eng­lish