Akathist to the Holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas, Emperor Of All Russia

Kon­takion 1

O pas­sion bearer cho­sen from birth and in­car­na­tion of the love of Christ, we sing thee praises as one who did love all the fa­ther­land. As thou hast bold­ness be­fore the Lord, en­lighten our dark­ened minds and hearts that we may cry to thee:

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Ikos 1

The Cre­ator of an­gels did send thee to the Russ­ian land as an angel of meek­ness and in­struc­tor to thy peo­ple, as He did choose thee after the ex­am­ple of His Only Be­got­ten Son to be a sac­ri­fice of re­demp­tion for the sins of the peo­ple. And we, mar­veling at the Prov­i­dence of the Almighty to­wards thee, cry out with con­tri­tion:

Rejoice, O like­ness of Christ. Re­joice, sac­ri­fice of whole burnt of­fer­ing. Re­joice, adorn­ment of the Tsar's of Rus­sia. Re­joice, thou who gavest an ex­am­ple of meek­ness and for­give­ness to all. Re­joice, true hope of the of­fended. Re­joice, un­shak­able foun­da­tion of faith.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 2

The All good Mother of God, see­ing her cho­sen place, the Russ­ian land, de­filed by the abom­i­na­tion of cor­rup­tion, chose thee from thy birth as a most pure one who would be for the cleans­ing of Rus­sia, that all might as a fu­neral lamen­ta­tion make a hymn to thee: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

The pre eter­nal Mind did fore know thy sal­va­tion and thy life, pre­fig­ured by Job the Much Suf­fer­ing, join­ing thy birth and the mem­ory of the right­eous one. And we, re­call­ing our sins and law­less deeds, with trem­bling of heart and con­tri­tion of soul cry out to thee thus:

Rejoice, thou who didst en­dure abuse and tri­als from thine own peo­ple. Re­joice, thou who didst pre­serve the Faith to the end. Re­joice, ex­am­ple of meek­ness. Re­joice, guardian of the wor­ship of God. Re­joice, rule of hu­mil­ity.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 3

The power of the Most High did over­shadow thee, O God crowned Nicholas, who didst fight back to en­lighten the West in its false wis­dom, that the world might cry out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

Having fer­vor for the en­light­en­ment of those gone astray, thou, O right be­liev­ing Tsar, was zeal­ous for the erec­tion of churches, the glo­ri­fi­ca­tion of the relics of the Saints who pleased God, the plant­ing of Chris­t­ian en­light­en­ment, and the pro­tec­tion of the un­for­tu­nate against vi­o­lence, and so the Chris­t­ian world cried out to thee thus:

Rejoice, name­sake of St. Nicholas upon the earth. Re­joice, fel­low in­ter­ces­sor with St. Seraphim in Heaven. Re­joice, planter of Or­tho­doxy. Re­joice, bearer of the Light of Christ. Re­joice, teacher of Chris­t­ian pa­tience. Re­joice, in­ter­ces­sor for Or­tho­dox Chris­tians.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 4

Thou didst not fear the storm of folly and abuse, O Pas­sion bearer Nicholas, when thou didst re­nounce agree­ment with the en­e­mies for the de­struc­tion of the fa­ther­land; and thou didst en­dure cen­sure, im­pris­on­ment, and death, cry­ing to the Almighty: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

Hear­ing of the tu­mults of the Russ­ian land and be­hold­ing the de­struc­tion of Chris­tians, thou didst un­ceas­ingly pray, that the al­leged Mother of God save Or­tho­dox Rus­sia. Where­fore, we cry out to thee:

Rejoice, fra­grant in­cense of prayer. Re­joice, in­ex­tin­guish­able lamp of faith. Re­joice, ad­mon­isher of the vi­o­lent by the meek­ness. Re­joice, con­soled of the dis­con­so­late amid sor­rows. Re­joice, lover of heav­enly things.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 5

Thou hast been re­vealed as a God-guided star for Rus­sians in the di­as­pora, O Tsar Nicholas; for, gath­er­ing them to­gether in thy name, thou dost show the path to the re­birth of the Russ­ian land, that we may hear an­gels cry­ing out: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

Seeing that thy meek­ness and hu­mil­ity ac­com­plished noth­ing, thou didst place all thy hope in the Most Pure Mother of God and give thy­self en­tirely into the hands of the Almighty, that even the sense­less might be in­structed to sing to thee:

Rejoice, van­quisher of pride. Re­joice, in­vin­ci­ble ram­part of the in­firm. Re­joice, en­light­en­ment of the proud. Re­joice, over­flow­ing love for thy peo­ple. Re­joice, fer­vent sac­ri­fice for the Russ­ian land.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 6

The ends of the world preach thy glory, and thy word hath gone forth into all the earth; for there is no sac­ri­fice thou wouldst not have of­fered for the good of the Russ­ian land, thereby teach­ing thy peo­ple to sing in thanks­giv­ing to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

Thou didst shine forth greater than the sun for the Russ­ian land, O Tsar Nicholas, re­veal­ing thine in­ter­ces­sion for the Or­tho­dox peo­ple even unto death, that all might be con­verted to Christ and has­ten to thee. There­fore we hymn thee thus:

Rejoice, O light that hath come out of the East. Re­joice, ex­am­ple to Or­tho­dox kings. Re­joice, un­quench­able shin­ing of right­eous­ness. Re­joice, un­set­ting lu­mi­nary of meek­ness. Re­joice, fa­therly ex­hor­ta­tion to sin­ners. Re­joice, fer­vent glo­ri­fi­ca­tion of the right­eous.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 7

Wish­ing to strengthen Or­tho­dox Faith on earth, thou didst move thy whole king­dom to the de­fense of the wronged land of Ser­bia, that all might cry out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

The Lord did man­i­fest thee as a new Noah, a builder of sal­va­tion for the Russ­ian peo­ple, that all, re­mem­ber­ing thy labors, might cry out cease­lessly thus:

Rejoice, helms­man of the Russ­ian ship. Re­joice, con­soled of the Slavs in mis­for­tunes. Re­joice, guide of Rus­sians. Re­joice, pro­claimer of the love of peace. Re­joice, planter of Chris­t­ian virtues.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 8

We see strange won­der in thee, O Nicholas, who many times wast saved by the right hand of the Most High and was crowned by a mar­tyr's crown with thy chil­dren and kins­men, that we might cry out to God the Provider of all things: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

Thou was en­tirely a de­fender for all Chris­tians, O di­vinely cho­sen Nicholas, and didst show a dou­ble in­ter­ces­sion for the Slavic peo­ples, mov­ing them to sing to thee in praise:

Rejoice, de­fense of the of­fended. Re­joice, ex­hor­ta­tion to of­fend­ers. Re­joice, refuge of the griev­ing. Re­joice, in­ter­ces­sor for the per­se­cuted. Re­joice, in­ter­ces­sor for the per­se­cuted. Re­joice, peace­maker in thy life. Re­joice, cham­pion of Chris­tians after thy mur­der.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 9

By many won­ders did the Lord re­veal His good will to the Russ­ian peo­ple, until they did grieve Him might­ily; but being called by thee in re­pen­tance, we cry out to­gether unto God: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Elo­quent or­a­tors, like voice­less fish, can­not ex­press the height of thy pa­tience; but we, be­hold­ing the abyss of our fall, cry out in con­tri­tion of spirit:

Rejoice, un­van­quish­able pa­tience. Re­joice, un­wa­ver­ing faith­ful­ness of Chris­tians. Re­joice, wise teacher of the fool­ish. Re­joice, thou who didst give an ex­am­ple to the faith­ful in thy life and mar­tyr's death. Re­joice, thou who didst suf­fer for the sins of thy peo­ple.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 10

Christ the Knower of hearts, Who founded His Church on the blood of mar­tyrs, de­sir­ing to save all men, did place thee, O Pas­sion-bearer Nicholas, as the foun­da­tion of the new house of the Russ­ian realm, that all within it might cry out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

Thou art a ram­part for all who has­ten to thee with faith, and an in­ex­tin­guish­able pro­tec­tion for the Or­tho­dox world, and thou dost teach all the faith­ful to glo­rify thee thus:

Rejoice, man­i­fes­ta­tion of heav­enly things on earth. Re­joice, new strength for those grown faint in virtues. Re­joice, dawn that hath shone forth on the land of Rus­sia. Re­joice, river that doth nour­ish all her bound­aries. Re­joice, teacher of the hu­mil­ity of wis­dom. Re­joice, planter of faith and love.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 11

Offer­ing a hymn to the Most Holy Trin­ity even unto thy death, thou didst fin­ish thy course and keep the Faith, by which thou dost move all Or­tho­dox Chris­tians to sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

Thou wast sent by the Giver of Light to the Russ­ian land like an im­mac­u­late lamb, and thou didst lay down thy life for the re­demp­tion of our sins, that we all might cease­lessly glo­rify thee thus:

Rejoice, sac­ri­fice beloved of God. Re­joice, un­quench­able abun­dance of love. Re­joice, praise of the faith­ful­ness of Christ. Re­joice, in­vis­i­ble blow­ing of the Spirit. Re­joice, mir­ror of wis­dom. Re­joice, hope of the hope­less.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 12

Divine grace which health the in­firm did fore know thee as an im­per­ish­able heal­ing for thy sub­jects who cry out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

Hymn­ing thy suf­fer­ings, O Pas­sion-bearer Nicholas, we bow down be­fore thy pa­tience, for the power of the Almighty Trin­ity was man­i­fest in thee, that we might all with one ac­cord cry out:

Rejoice, beloved child of Christ. Re­joice, thou who didst con­duct thine im­mac­u­late chil­dren and faith­ful ser­vants to Christ. Re­joice, thou who didst aid the Queen to be right­eous and a mar­tyr. Re­joice, thou who didst truly di­rect thy peo­ple. Re­joice, thou who didst not bring abuse to the honor of thy fa­ther­land. Re­joice, thou who didst gain the King­dom of Heaven.

Rejoice, O Nicholas, God crowned Tsar and great pas­sion bearer!

Kon­takion 13

O most won­drous and most glo­ri­ous Pas­sion-bearer Nicholas, look down upon thy earthly king­dom and thy peo­ple, for we have no an­swer for our sins, and en­treat the Almighty that He may not enter into judg­ment with us, but might vouch­safe us cease­lessly to cry out: Alleluia!

Се́й конда́къ глаго́лется три́жды. Та́же Икосъ 1-й и Конда́къ 1-й

Prayer to the Holy Tsar-Mar­tyr Nicholas

O holy pas­sion-bearer Tsar Mar­tyr Nicholas! The Lord has cho­sen thee as His anointed one to judge with mercy and right­eous­ness thy peo­ple and to be the guardian of the Or­tho­dox King­dom. This royal ser­vice and the care for souls thou hast com­pleted with the fear of God. Test­ing thee as gold in the fur­nace, the Lord has al­lowed bit­ter sor­rows to come upon thee, as to the much suf­fer­ing Job, by de­priv­ing thee of thy royal throne and send­ing upon thee mar­tyric death. Hav­ing meekly en­dured all this, like a true slave of Christ, thou art par­tak­ing of the high­est glory at the Throne of the God of All, to­gether with the Holy Mar­tyrs, the holy Tsa­rina Alexan­dra, the holy youth Crown Prince Alexis, and the holy princesses Olga, Ta­tiana, Maria and Anas­ta­sia and with the faith­ful ser­vants of thine, as well as with the holy Mar­tyr Grand Duchess Eliz­a­beth and with all the Royal Mar­tyrs and the Holy Mar­tyr Bar­bara. For as hav­ing great bold­ness be­fore Christ King, for whose sake thou hast en­dured every­thing, pray with us, that the Lord might for­give the sin of thy peo­ple, who did not stop thy slaugh­ter, as King and Anointed One of God, that the Lord will de­liver the suf­fer­ing land of Rus­sia from the fierce and god­less ones, who came upon it be­cause of our sin and apos­tasy, and that He will re­store the throne of Or­tho­dox Tsars, and to us will grant for­give­ness of sins and will in­struct us on every good deed, that we might ac­quire hum­ble­ness, meek­ness and love, as these Mar­tyrs have done, that we will be vouch­safed the Heav­enly King­dom, where to­gether with thee and all the Holy New Mar­tyrs and Con­fes­sors of Rus­sia, we might glo­rify Fa­ther, Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Tropar­ion, tone 5

Thou didst meekly en­dure the loss of an earthly king­dom, and bonds and many suf­fer­ings from the fight­ers against God, wit­ness­ing of Christ even unto death, O great Pas­sion-bearer and God crowned Tsar Nicholas. Where­fore Christ God did crown thee and thy Queen and chil­dren with a mar­tyr's crown in Heaven; do thou en­treat Him to have mercy on the Russ­ian land and to save our souls.

Akathist to the Holy Tsar-Mar­tyr Nicholas, Em­peror Of All Rus­sia in Eng­lish
Other hymns in Eng­lish