Akathist to the Archangel Michael, the Supreme Commander (Taxiarch) of the Heavenly Bodiless Hosts

Kon­takion 1

O cho­sen leader of the heav­enly hosts and de­fender of the human race, we that are de­liv­ered by thee from af­flic­tions offer unto thee this hymn of thanks­giv­ing; and as thou dost stand be­fore the throne of the King of Glory, do thou free us from all dan­gers, that with faith and love we may cry unto thee in praise:

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Ikos 1

With the tongues of an­gels it is meet that thou be praised as first among the fiery choirs of an­gels, O Michael; but until we are taught by thee the tongue of the bod­i­less ones, hear­ken thou to such things as these from tongues which, though human, are yet thank­ful:

Rejoice, pri­mor­dial star of the world! Re­joice, can­dle of truth and right­eous­ness brightly gleam­ing! Re­joice, first re­ceiver of the rays of the un­cre­ated light among the choirs of an­gels! Re­joice, cap­tain of An­gels and Archangels! Re­joice, thou in whom the glory of the Maker's right hand shineth most of all! Re­joice, thou by whom the as­sem­blies of all the bod­i­less cre­ation are adorned!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 2

Per­ceiv­ing with the eyes of faith the great­ness of thy spir­i­tual beauty and the power of thy right hand which beareth light­ning, O Archangel of God, we, as earthly ones and wrapped in flesh, are filled with won­der, joy, and thanks­giv­ing to the Cre­ator of all, cry­ing out with all the hosts of heaven: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

A mind pure and free of pas­sions do thou en­treat for us, O most won­drous Michael, leader of the heav­enly ranks, that hav­ing as­cended in thought from the earthly to the heav­enly, we may sing to thee a hymn of praise thus:

Rejoice, near­est be­holder of the in­ef­fa­ble beauty and good­ness of God! Re­joice, in­ti­mate ini­ti­ate of the all-good coun­sels of the Most Holy Trin­ity! Re­joice, faith­ful ful­filler of the pre-eter­nal judg­ments of the Trin­ity! Re­joice, thou at whom the heav­enly armies are lov­ingly amazed! Re­joice, thou whom those born of earth glo­rify with faith! Re­joice, thou be­fore whom the hosts of hades trem­ble!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 3

Man­i­fest­ing within thy­self the in­vin­ci­ble power of zeal for the glory of God, thou didst stand at the head of the choirs of an­gels against the mal­ice-breath­ing most-proud morn­ing star. With him and his dark com­rades being cast down from on high to the nether re­gions, the heav­enly armies most glo­ri­ously led by thee, with glad­ness, as with one mouth, be­fore the throne of God cried aloud: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

All the Chris­t­ian race hath thee, O Archangel Michael, as a great pro­tec­tor and a won­drous helper in bat­tle with ad­ver­saries; there­fore, de­sir­ing to be vouch­safed thy most won­drous pro­tec­tion, we cry to thee on the day of thy fes­ti­val thus:

Rejoice, thou by whom Satan was hurled down like light­ning from Heaven! Re­joice, thou by whom the pro­tected human race goeth up to Heaven! Re­joice, most won­drous adorn­ment of the all-ra­di­ant world above! Re­joice, most glo­ri­ous de­fense of the fallen world below! Re­joice, thou who wast in no wise van­quished by the pow­ers of evil! Re­joice, thou who with all the an­gels of God hast been es­tab­lished in truth and right­eous­ness for­ever by the Grace of God!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 4

From the tem­pest of temp­ta­tions and dan­gers do thou de­liver us who with love and joy cel­e­brate thy most ra­di­ant fes­ti­val, O fore­most of the an­gels; for thou art a great helper in mis­for­tunes, and at the hour of death a guardian and in­ter­ces­sor against evil spir­its for all that cry to thy and our Mas­ter and God: Alleluia!


Seeing thy bold­ness against the le­gions of Satan, all the ranks of the an­gels strove with joy to fol­low thee into bat­tle for the name and glory of their Mas­ter, cry­ing aloud: Who is like unto God? And know­ing that Satan was cast down be­neath thy feet, we cry out to thee as vic­tor:

Rejoice, thou through whom peace and tran­quil­ity were es­tab­lished in Heaven! Re­joice, thou by whom the spir­its of evil were put down even unto hades! Re­joice, thou who dost di­rect the an­gelic armies and the hosts of the in­vis­i­ble world to the de­struc­tion of evil! Re­joice, thou who, un­seen, dost quell the strife and tur­moil of the el­e­ments of the vis­i­ble world! Re­joice, won­drous de­fender of them that wage war­fare against the spir­its of evil under the heav­ens! Re­joice, strong helper of them that weaken amid the temp­ta­tions and dan­gers of this age!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 5

A di­vinely-flow­ing foun­tain of most great mir­a­cles didst thou re­veal thy­self to be in thy tem­ple at Chonae, for not only was the great and ter­ri­ble ser­pent which abode in that place de­stroyed by thy power, but also streams of water which heal every bod­ily ail­ment were re­vealed, that all might cry out with faith to the Mas­ter of the an­gels Who doth glo­rify thee: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

Hear­ing and know­ing thee to be a great bea­con shin­ing among the choirs of an­gels, O most won­drous Michael, to thee, after God and the most holy Mother of God, we flee; il­lu­mine with the rays of thy light all of us that cry unto thee:

Rejoice, con­duc­tor and guardian of the God-cho­sen peo­ple in the wilder­ness! Re­joice, great in­ter­me­di­ary of the law given on Sinai by the hand of Moses! Re­joice, thou through whom the judges and lead­ers of Is­rael found strength and pro­tec­tion! Re­joice, thou through whom the prophets and high priests of the Jews re­ceived the gift of knowl­edge from the om­ni­scient God! Re­joice, thou who pro­videst the God-fear­ing law­givers with mys­ti­cal wis­dom! Re­joice, thou who places judg­ment and right­eous­ness in the hearts of them that do good!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 6

When once Manoah saw thee, the pro­claimer of the judg­ments of God, he was filled with doubt and fear, think­ing that he would live no longer on earth; but learn­ing from his wife of the good­ness of thine ap­pear­ance and the meek­ness of thy words, and that he was to beget, ac­cord­ing to thy word, his son Samp­son, in joy and thanks­giv­ing he cried to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

Thou didst shine forth won­drously with glory, O Michael, when thou didst stand be­fore Joshua, son of Nun, in the form of a man, say­ing: Loose thy san­dal from off thy foot; I am the supreme com­man­der of the hosts of the Lord. Mar­veling at such an ap­pear­ance of thine, with love we cry unto thee:

Rejoice, vig­i­lant guardian of di­vinely-crowned heads! Re­joice, speedy sub­duer of them that op­pose au­thor­ity as op­posers of the com­mand of God! Re­joice, paci­fier of dis­tur­bance among the peo­ple! Re­joice, in­vis­i­ble abol­isher of the cus­toms of the im­pi­ous! Re­joice, for thou dost en­lighten them that doubt in the hour of cruel per­plex­ity! Re­joice, for thou dost free the tempted from per­ni­cious slan­der!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 7

Desir­ing to show that the lot of the chil­dren of men is not hap­haz­ard, but is con­tin­u­ally held in His right hand, the Mas­ter of all gave thee as a helper and guardian to the king­doms of the earth, that thou might­est pre­pare the tribes and peo­ples for the eter­nal king­dom of God; there­fore all, know­ing of thy great ser­vice to the sal­va­tion of mankind, thank­fully cry unto God: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

New won­ders did the Maker and Mas­ter of all show us on earth through thee, O supreme com­man­der, when thou didst won­drously save the tem­ple ded­i­cated to thy name from in­un­da­tion by the wa­ters of the river, com­mand­ing the streams of the tor­rent to flow into a cav­ern of the earth: see­ing this, the blessed Archip­pus with his spir­i­tual chil­dren thank­fully cried aloud to thee:

Rejoice, in­de­struc­tible ram­part of the holy tem­ples of God! Re­joice, in­vin­ci­ble bar­rier to en­e­mies of the Chris­t­ian Faith! Re­joice, thou through whose com­mand the el­e­ments are brought under sub­jec­tion! Re­joice, thou by whom all evil de­signs are de­feated! Re­joice, thou who bear­est joy to the faith­ful from the throne of the Almighty! Re­joice, thou who lead­est un­be­liev­ers to the path of truth and right­eous­ness!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 8

A strange mir­a­cle of thy power, O supreme com­man­der of God, did Ab­bachum him­self ex­pe­ri­ence when, ac­cord­ing to the com­mand of God to trans­port him, thou didst bear him speed­ily from Judea to Baby­lon to give food to Daniel, who was im­pris­oned in the lions' den; where­fore, mar­vel ling at the great act of thy power, he cried out with faith: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

Thou art in the high­est, O Michael, stand­ing be­fore the throne of the King of Glory, yet not far from those below, bat­tling con­tin­u­ally with the en­e­mies of man's sal­va­tion. Where­fore, all that de­sire to reach the longed-for heav­enly home­land cry out to thee with one ac­cord:

Rejoice, leader of the thrice-holy hymn of the an­gels! Re­joice, ever ready me­di­a­tor and guardian of those born of earth! Re­joice, thou who didst strike down proud Pharaoh and the un­be­liev­ing Egyp­tians in a won­drous man­ner! Re­joice, thou who didst most glo­ri­ously lead the faith­ful Jews in the wilder­ness! Re­joice, thou through whom the flame was quenched in the fur­nace of Baby­lon!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 9

All the monks of holy Mount Athos in joy­ful trem­bling came, be­hold­ing how thou didst save the God-fear­ing youth who had been vi­o­lently cast into the depths of the sea with stones by un­godly lovers of money; where­fore, the monastery adorned with thy name, hav­ing re­ceived him, thank­fully cried out to the Lord: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

The words of or­a­tors and the thoughts of philoso­phers do not suf­fice to tell of thy power, O Michael; how in one night thou didst strike down one hun­dred eighty-five thou­sand of the war­riors of Sen­nacherib, King of As­syria, that he might learn to blas­pheme the name of the Lord no more. And we, hon­or­ing thy holy zeal for the glory of the true God, with glad­ness cry to thee:

Rejoice, un­con­quer­able leader of Or­tho­dox armies! Re­joice, fear and down­fall of the forces of error! Re­joice, im­planter of right faith and rev­er­ence for God! Re­joice, up­rooter of dis­sen­sion and soul-harm­ing here­sies! Re­joice, thou who didst often strengthen the pious Mac­cabees on the field of bat­tle! Re­joice, thou who didst strike down He­liodorus, cap­tain of An­ti­ochus, in the tem­ple it­self!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 10

Unto us that de­sire to be saved be thou a firm helper, O supreme com­man­der of God, de­liv­er­ing and pre­serv­ing us from dan­gers and temp­ta­tions, above all from our evil habits and sins, that pro­gress­ing in faith, hope, and love, with joy be­cause of thy most won­drous aid, we may cry unto the Mas­ter of an­gels and men: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

A ram­part art thou unto men that be­lieve, O supreme com­man­der of God, and a pil­lar of strength in bat­tle with en­e­mies vis­i­ble and in­vis­i­ble; there­fore, being de­liv­ered through thee from the nets of demons, with thank­ful hearts and lips we cry unto thee:

Rejoice, in­vin­ci­ble op­po­nent of the en­e­mies of the faith and ad­ver­saries of the Church! Re­joice, tire­less helper of the hum­ble pro­claimers of the Gospel! Re­joice, thou who en­light­en­est them that sit in the dark­ness of false faith with the light of the faith of Christ! Re­joice, thou who guidest into the path of re­pen­tance and truth those made fool­ish by false wis­dom! Re­joice, ter­ri­ble avenger of those that take the name of God in vain! Re­joice, light­ning-bear­ing chas­tiser of those that fool­ishly scoff at the mys­ter­ies of the holy Faith!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 11

Every song of praise is de­feated O supreme com­man­der of God, by the mul­ti­tude of thy mir­a­cles, which are per­formed by thee not only in Heaven and on earth, but also in the dark shad­ows of the nether re­gions, where thou didst bind the ser­pent of the abyss with the chains of the power of the Lord, that those de­liv­ered from his mal­ice might bless the Mas­ter of Heaven and earth, cry­ing aloud: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

A light-bear­ing ser­vant of truth and the pu­rity of di­vine wor­ship wast thou shown to be, O supreme com­man­der, when, fore­see­ing the snares of the spirit of dark­ness, thou didst for­bid him in the name of God so that he dare not re­veal the hid­den body of Moses, de­parted leader of Is­rael, to the sen­sual sons of Is­rael for idol­a­trous ven­er­a­tion; there­fore, hon­or­ing now the right-ra­di­ant feast of thy Synaxis, thank­fully we cry unto thee:

Rejoice, thou who didst pre­serve the pu­rity of the knowl­edge of God among the Jews in the days of the Old Tes­ta­ment! Re­joice, thou who didst up­root the tares of error many times in the days of the New! Re­joice, de­stroyer of hea­then prophets and idols! Re­joice, for­ti­fier of Chris­t­ian as­cetics and pas­sion-bear­ers! Re­joice, thou who fillest the weak in spirit with the power of the Grace of God! Re­joice, thou who gird­est the weak in the flesh with the armor of faith!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 12

Grace from God in Heaven do thou ask for us who sing to the glory of thine all-hon­or­able name, O Michael, that over­shad­owed by thy pro­tec­tion, we may live in all piety and pu­rity until, loosed by death from the bonds of flesh, we may be vouch­safed to stand be­fore the fiery throne of the King of Glory, and cry aloud with the an­gelic choirs: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

Hymn­ing thy man­i­fold won­ders, ac­com­plished for our sal­va­tion O Michael, we pray to the Lord and Mas­ter of all that the spirit of zeal for the glory of God that is in thee in no wise be lack­ing in us who cry out to thee:

Rejoice, thou who dost most won­drously set upon the sum­mit of power the faith­ful ser­vants of God in a sea­son­able time! Re­joice, thou who dost in­vis­i­bly over­throw the ar­ro­gant and un­wor­thy from the height of power and glory! Re­joice, thou who shalt gather the cho­sen from the four com­ers of the earth on the last day! Re­joice, thou by whom sin­ners, like tares, ac­cord­ing to the voice of God, shall be com­mit­ted to eter­nal fire! Re­joice, thou by whom Satan with his an­gels shall be cast into the lake of fire for­ever! Re­joice, thou through whom the right­eous shall dwell most glo­ri­ously in the man­sions of the heav­enly Fa­ther!

Rejoice, O Michael, great supreme com­man­der, with all the hosts of Heaven!

Kon­takion 13

O most won­der­ful leader of An­gels and Archangels, for thy most mar­velous ser­vice in the sal­va­tion of mankind ac­cept from us the voice of praise and thanks­giv­ing which we now offer unto thee, and as thou art full of the power of God, shel­ter us with thine im­ma­te­r­ial wings from all en­e­mies vis­i­ble and in­vis­i­ble, that to the Lord glo­ri­fied by thee and Who hath glo­ri­fied thee we may con­tin­u­ally cry: Alleluia!

Се́й конда́къ глаго́лется три́жды. Та́же Икосъ 1-й и Конда́къ 1-й

Prayer to the Archangel Michael

O holy and great Archangel of God Michael, first among the an­gels that stand be­fore the in­scrutable and tran­scen­dent Trin­ity, over­seer and guardian of the human race, who with thine armies didst crush the head of the most-proud Morn­ing Star in Heaven and dost ever put to shame his evil and cun­ning on earth, to thee do we flee with faith and to thee we pray with love; be thou an in­vin­ci­ble shield and a firm bul­wark of the Holy Church and our home­land, pro­tect­ing them with thy light­ning-bear­ing sword from all en­e­mies, both vis­i­ble and in­vis­i­ble. Be thou a guardian angel, a most wise coun­selor and helper of Or­tho­dox Chris­tians, of our coun­try, bring­ing them from the throne of the King of kings en­light­en­ment and power, joy, peace, and con­so­la­tion. Be thou the chief cap­tain and com­pan­ion in arms of our Christ-lov­ing armed forces, crown­ing them with glory and vic­tory over ad­ver­saries, that all who op­pose us may know that God and His holy an­gels are with us. And leave not with­out thy help and pro­tec­tion, O Archangel of God, also us who glo­rify thy holy name today; for be­hold, even though we be great sin­ners, nev­er­the­less we de­sire not to per­ish in our in­iq­ui­ties, but rather to turn to the Lord and be quick­ened by Him unto good works. Il­lu­mine, there­fore, our minds with the light of God's coun­te­nance, which con­tin­u­ally shineth on thy light­ning-like fore­head, that we may un­der­stand what the good and per­fect will of God is con-cern­ing us, and know all that which we ought to do, and that which we ought to de­spise and aban­don. Strengthen through the Grace of the Lord our weak will and fee­ble state, that, made firm in the law of the Lord, we may hence­forth cease to be tossed to and fro by earthly thoughts and the lusts of the flesh, en­ticed away, like sense­less chil­dren, by the quickly-per­ish­ing beau­ties of this world, fool­ishly for­get­ting the eter­nal and heav­enly for the sake of the cor­rupt­ible and earthly. Above all these things, do thou ask for us from on high a true spirit of re­pen­tance, un­feigned sor­row be­fore God and con­tri­tion for our sins, that we may spend the num­ber of days that re­main to us of this tran­si­tory life not in grat­i­fy­ing our senses and in slav­ery to our pas­sions, but in wip­ing out the evil things we have done by tears of faith and heart­felt con­tri­tion, by strug­gles of pu­rity and holy deeds of mercy. And when the hour of our end and lib­er­a­tion from the bonds of this body of clay draweth nigh, O Archangel of God, leave us not de­fense­less against the spir­its of evil in the upper air, who are ac­cus­tomed to hin­der the as­cent of man's soul on high, that guarded by thee we may at­tain with­out hin­drance those most glo­ri­ous dwelling-places of Par­adise, where there is nei­ther sor­row, nor sigh­ing, but life ever­last­ing, and be vouch­safed to be­hold the most ra­di­ant coun­te­nance of our all-benef­i­cent Lord and Mas­ter, fall down with tears at His feet, in joy and com­punc­tion shout­ing aloud: Glory to Thee, our most dear Re­deemer, Who, be­cause of Thy great love for us un­wor­thy ones, hast been pleased to send Thine an­gels in the ser­vice of our sal­va­tion! Amen.

Akathist to the Archangel Michael, the Tax­i­arch of the Heav­enly Bod­i­less Hosts in Eng­lish
Other hymns in Eng­lish